



















1. 永川秀芽礼盒:永川秀芽作为重庆特产,以其鲜嫩的口感和独特的香气而闻名。这款礼盒采用100克规格,两罐装,每罐50克,商务礼盒包装高端大气。茶叶采摘自重庆山区茶园,新鲜有白毫,茶汤鲜嫩爽口,清香回甘。冲泡后的茶条微卷曲,呈黄绿色,白色茶毫显著,入口滋味鲜浓、回味甘甜。

2. 龙井茶礼盒:龙井茶作为我国绿茶的代表,以其独特的“四绝”品质而备受喜爱。茶可约重庆专卖店的龙井茶礼盒,选用优质茶叶,口感鲜爽,香气浓郁。礼盒包装精美,适合作为商务礼品或家庭自用。
3. 祁门红茶礼盒:祁门红茶以其香醇的口感和独特的香气而闻名于世。茶可约重庆专卖店的祁门红茶礼盒,精选优质茶叶,口感醇厚,香气持久。礼盒包装精美,寓意吉祥,是送礼的佳品。

4. 大红袍礼盒:大红袍作为乌龙茶的代表,以其独特的“岩韵”而著称。茶可约重庆专卖店的这款大红袍礼盒,选用优质岩茶,口感醇厚,香气浓郁。礼盒包装精美,适合作为商务礼品或家庭自用。

5. 普洱茶礼盒:普洱茶具有降脂、减肥、抗衰老等多种保健功效。茶可约重庆专卖店的普洱茶礼盒,选用优质原料,口感醇厚,香气持久。礼盒包装精美,适合作为商务礼品或家庭自用。



















1. 高温:重庆夏季气温普遍较高,最高气温可达40℃以上。在炎炎夏日,人们仿佛置身于蒸桑拿的房间,汗水湿透了衣衫,让人倍感闷热。

2. 高湿度:重庆夏季湿度较大,相对湿度常年在80%以上。湿度高,使得汗液蒸发速度减慢,人体内的热量无法及时散发,让人感觉更加闷热。

3. 风速小:由于山地阻挡,重庆夏季风速较小,空气流动性差,加剧了闷热感。



1. 水汽充足:长江、嘉陵江等河流流经重庆,使得这里的水汽充足,为高温、高湿度的形成提供了条件。

2. 地形复杂:重庆地形复杂,山峦起伏,气流在此受阻,形成局部高温、高湿天气。

3. 城市热岛效应:随着城市化进程的加快,城市热岛效应愈发明显,使重庆的桑拿天气更加严重。


1. 多通风:保持室内空气流通,有助于降低室内温度。

2. 多喝水:补充水分,防止中暑。

3. 少外出:尽量避免在高温时段外出,减少身体负担。

4. 避免长时间暴露在阳光下:外出时,应佩戴遮阳帽、太阳镜等防护用品。

5. 适当调整作息时间:尽量避开高温时段,选择早晨或傍晚进行户外活动。







1. 淋浴区:中心设有多个淋浴间,采用高品质的淋浴设备,让您在享受舒适的同时,还能感受到热水带来的温暖。

2. 桑拿区:中心设有干蒸、湿蒸、石板蒸等多种桑拿房,让您在蒸汗的过程中,排出体内毒素,舒缓疲劳,增强免疫力。

3. 按摩区:中心拥有一批技术娴熟的按摩师,为您提供专业的按摩服务,缓解肌肉疲劳,改善睡眠质量。

4. 足疗区:专业的足疗师为您进行足底按摩,舒缓足部疲劳,改善血液循环。

5. 美容美发区:中心设有美容美发室,为您提供专业的美容美发服务,让您焕发青春光彩。

6. 棋牌室:中心设有棋牌室,让您在休闲娱乐的同时,增进与亲朋好友的感情。

7. 茶艺室:中心设有茶艺室,为您提供各类茶饮,让您在品茗的过程中,陶冶情操。



1. 专业的服务团队:中心拥有一支高素质、专业的服务团队,为消费者提供热情、周到的服务。

2. 舒适的休息环境:中心设有舒适的休息区,提供舒适的沙发、茶几等设施,让您在休闲之余,享受片刻的宁静。

3. 优惠的价格:中心定期推出优惠活动,让消费者以更低的价格享受到优质的服务。

4. 良好的口碑:南坪洗浴桑拿中心凭借优质的服务和良好的口碑,赢得了广大消费者的青睐。



1. 专业养生课程:中心定期邀请养生专家举办养生讲座,传授养生知识,帮助消费者了解如何通过养生达到健康的目的。

2. 健康美食:中心设有餐厅,提供各类健康美食,让消费者在享受美食的同时,注重营养搭配。

3. 绿色环保:中心注重环保,采用节能、环保的设备,为消费者创造一个绿色、健康的休闲环境。


Li Zhichang’s eyes turned to the big millstone of Yin and Yang to suppress the sword in white.

People in white feel that the other person’s eyes are heavy and the heart is heavy, and it’s incredibly difficult to run.
He gazed at the air, his eyes vibrated again and again, and it was like a star.
Will Li Zhichang Yin and Yang millstone forced back again.
He rushed into Li Zhichang’s heart with a high momentum. I didn’t expect the other side’s grinding disc of Yin and Yang to spin up one inch and one dime, and when his sword was worn to Li Zhichang’s eyes, it was already too powerful to reduce the climate.
The two men’s eyes are so different, and the white man’s main focus is uncertain, like a sword, which can be distinguished from the actual situation. Once Li Zhi often has a gap, it will be overwhelming like mercury.
But every time Li Zhichang showed a flaw, he was hit by a white man’s sword and lost ground, but suddenly he gave birth to a new force when he was at the end of his rope
This kind of change is like watching the running water dry up, and a sudden rain will help the dry running water become smart in an instant.
I’m afraid the changes in their eyes and swords are rare in the world.
And this kind of duel is unheard of.
Finally, the white man pulled out a long sword with a cold hum backhand, such as the Milky Way, and came towards Li Zhichang.
As soon as this sword came out, it seemed to stagnate. Li Zhichang felt that the vast world could be hidden.
He knew that it was because the other person’s spirit had locked him up, and it was difficult to get rid of his qi activity induction.
He slowly lifted his foot and went back into the sleeve robe. With a wave of his hand, a wave of white gas came out of the sleeve, just to meet the white man, who was as firm as a Galaxy Star.
The dust flies, leaving a few drops of blood, but the white man is nowhere to be seen.
Zanghua said in surprise, "This is amazing. I can hardly move a finger when he just drew his sword. It’s a monster that you can still hurt him when you are in it."
Li Zhichang sink a way, "although I hurt him this time, it’s not all my credit."
Hidden flower jiao said, "Is there any credit for me?"
Li Zhichang gave her a faint look. "You’re helping me. If it weren’t for you, his injury would be heavier."
Tibetan flowers and the pie mouth.
Li Zhichang continued, "Do you know who he is?"
Tibetan Flower Road: "I happen to know this person found this person’s file next to your file when I was looking for you. It turns out that he is the white man who won the bloody coat, and this person is actually the white man who lost the Central Plains Wulin swordsman from Fusang Dongdu and competed with Zi Yi Hou Jian."
Li Zhichang said, "It seems that the Qinglong Club is really bad. Even this can be found out. He and I will eventually underestimate Xue Yiren. I didn’t expect Xue Yiren’s sword to be sharp before he died. If the white man has already recovered the injury, it is not intact. There is still a dark wound in it. I just sensed that he couldn’t fit in when he came out with the sword."
Chapter one hundred and fifty Shy girl
Even though the white man can’t unite because of Xue Yi, he can still not die in Li Zhichang, which proves how terrible his strength is now.
Li Zhichang was sighing in his heart, but Xue Yi-ren died. I didn’t expect him to be beyond his expectation and beyond the expectation of the white man.
The man in white will definitely come back, because Li Zhichang is his robbery and his fate.
He hopes to be detached in this world for a long time, but if he can kill Li Zhichang, he may really get a way out of this life dilemma.
Hidden flowers "that he must come to you again? Are you sure you can hurt him again? Or I’ll use the power of the Qinglong Club to help you. "
Li Zhichang shook his head. "His swordsmanship is also at its peak. There will be no more than three people who can cause him trouble in this world. Unless you go to the Qinglong Club, others will not be able to stop him from using a sword."
Zanghua was a little worried. "What should I do? I can see that he must kill you."
Li Zhichang said, "If I die, I won’t make you angry. You will worry about me. You can rest assured that I will help you get that thing before."
Zanghua whispered, "You’d better prepare for war. I’m in no hurry."
The man in white is definitely a persistent person who wants him to decide that he will not regret even if he dies.
This kind of person is both respectable and terrible.
Even Tibetan flowers seem to have lost so much confidence in Li Zhichang after seeing the way they fought just now.
Li Zhichang said to himself, you probably don’t know that even without the white man, I’m dying.
His body is aging fast, and his recent encounters are all driven by terrible masters, and his power is not beyond this physical limit, even though his appearance is not obvious because of his strong spirit and medical skills, he is actually decaying.
Li Zhichang is happy to see the cause of this kind of thing, so that he has a deeper understanding of the mystery of physical decay
Although his body is tempered to be almost indestructible, it will gradually age, but the aging rate will become extremely slow
Observing the decay of this body is also of great benefit to him.
Zanghua still looks like an old man when he sees Li Zhichang, and I don’t know what he really thinks.
At ordinary times, a pair of inscrutable samples also forget it. This white man is by no means an ordinary person. How can he still pretend?
Li Zhichang saw her face. "You don’t worry about heaven and earth, and now it may not be that anyone is my opponent, and the white man is no exception."
Tibetan Flower Road "It’s a big day and a cow is flying"
Li Zhichang slowly looked up and said, "Why didn’t I see it?"
Tibetan flowers "bah" a "shameless"
Then the mood also became lang.

Grandmother Taixuan said with a smile, "You old thief are not white. You are pregnant with elves in the bleeding river. There are so many complicated places, but if I can save these six children, I will go to the blood river with you and never want to come out again."

Blood river people callous way "when I come out, it’s hard to go back, I’m afraid it’s not easy. Guo’s father is very powerful. Even at the peak, I’m not their father’s opponent. Their father is not only amazing in mana, but also poor in power. It’s a magic weapon of congenital pure yang in the seven-burning world. Unless I have a similar magic weapon, I can’t beat their father."
Grandma Xuan was silent for a long time before she said faintly, "Don’t say that the innate pure Yang treasure is a magic weapon even if it is refined the day after tomorrow, even if the number of levels is lower, it is rare to have a magic weapon and it is not easy to snatch it unless the original is without a master. But how can there be a master magic weapon in this world? It’s hard for us to refine ourselves even if it’s not for thousands of years … "
People in the Blood River say, "In fact, we have an innate magic weapon on the Blood River. Although it is not pure yang, it is rare to have it in our hands."
Grandmother Taixuan was surprised. "Why didn’t you hear about it?"
The blood river people whispered, "I didn’t know this magic weapon until I was six members of the blood river. Give me the news. Now the six members of the blood river are fighting for the baby. Who can take the baby in his hand is the first person in the blood river who can take the other two?"
Grandma Taixuan was about to ask what the magic weapon was. Yang Bofu, the real red dragon and Jiao Fei, Meng Kuan, both of them had already chased the blood river people. Hey, hey, smile and show the limit of light escape. A blood rainbow suddenly raised the speed again. Yang Bofu and the red dragon were unwilling to fall behind, but they also raised the speed of light escape. Jiao Fei could also make them stay close behind the first three light escapes. I don’t know how long it took to see it, but they flew out of the mainland and arrived in the East China Sea.
Jiao Fei silently calculated and suddenly shouted, "Two real people are careful to ambush for fear that those two demon people will invite helpers!"
Jiao Fei didn’t find that the clue was that the blood river people flew all the way to the root without even taking a detour. Obviously, there was a purpose. Although Jiao Fei couldn’t figure out what help the two men could get, it was only this possibility that could explain that the blood river people didn’t escape.
Red dragon grunted a low drink a way "also you this big point …"
Yang Bofu was also surprised and shouted, "I’m afraid there’s an ambush in the Red Dragon Road. Be careful."
Red dragon said, "I’m not afraid of being ambushed. First of all, I have to get rid of my hands, which are also the two young players behind me."
Red dragon voice just fell and there was a black gas rushing to the clouds …
Chapter ninety-three Five Ghosts, Yan Mo, Blood River
This black gas crossed the red dragon and Yang Bofu and went straight to Jiao Fei’s aggressive red dragon. It was also a great surprise to see that he had really made a speech.
This way, the black gas is fierce and powerful, and it seems that there are endless hatred. There are many huge skulls rolling in the black gas, and each end seems to have poverty and resentment, and the magic seems to be immortal.
How dare Jiao Fei fight with others when he sees such a scene?
Busy to turn the boat into a golden light, just don’t walk with this black gas. When Meng Kuan saw this scene, it was also a big surprise. "Is this a person?" Why do you hate you so much? "
"Five ghost king newly built into Yan magic day I hurt him lost monty palace old meng for yourself …"
"How can I become good brothers with you … Jiao Dagong, don’t bring me old Meng when you mess around."
Meng Kuan called a hundred ghosts to lock the Yin robe, and the number of ghosts flew out in his whole body to form a rare mana. Suddenly, he stabilized his figure by Jiao Fei and flew the boat up as steady as Mount Tai. He looked up and said in a low voice, "How come this man’s mana is similar to my Zhushan Sect’s good living and the ghost locks the Yin robe is more similar?"
Jiao Fei’s self-control is too fast to escape from the boat, and he doesn’t fight hard with the five ghost kings to make a light escape so elusive that the boat has been moved. The five ghost kings tried to trap Jiao Fei several times but failed to slip away like a fish in a boat.
The Five Ghost Kings’ mana has traveled thousands of miles in a day since they became Yan Magic Queen, although they have not yet broken through the eleventh level, but their mana has been three times stronger than that of immortality at the beginning, far more than that of fighting Jiao Fei Lin Xiaolian that day. Fortunately, Jiao Fei is also different from the original one, not only has the robe been promoted to the true form series, but there are also more boats, which is a powerful thing. The entanglement between the two people is also seemingly indistinguishable.
XuanYaoDao person is too boat body saw five ghost king so ferocity also secretly surprised I feel way "this is strange to look at this person but also is the god of magic door really practice to the tenth floor, that is, yuan god incarnate level how unexpectedly seems more powerful than yuan god dharma body? This Tao is strange … "The Taoist Xuanyao followed Jiao Fei back from the meteorite star and carefully understood the Yin-Yang ghost tactic and the Six-Yang deity method. After all, he had already found that he didn’t stick to himself as a practitioner. After all, he had taken a wrong step, Dan medicine achieved Yuan God, and no matter how amazing the Tao was, he could no longer cultivate himself a little bit, so that he could pursue more powerful mana in the incarnation realm.
The Five Ghosts Heavenly King became a ten-square inferno, and the magical power of Yan Magic Heaven was vast, even exceeding the level of cultivation. He was better than others, and the people in the river made the Xuan Yaodao people suddenly think of a way out. At the beginning, the Xuan Yaodao people swallowed the other five demons and spells, and after a long time of enlightenment, they were also studying to transform the demons’ meaning. He thought to himself, "If I turn the six avatars into different demons and spells, and then the six points will be one, maybe I can also make the mana rise, although I can’t reach the dharma realm, but I
Jiao Feiyun’s boat is entangled with the Five Ghost Kings, and the river people have turned their heads to fight with Yang Bofu Chilong mercilessly.
In his early years, Red Dragon won the twenty-four ancestral spirits of the Dragon and Tiger Sect in West Xuanshan, and one of them later achieved Yuan Shen, and then took over the other three ancestral spirits. He also sacrificed the twenty-four ancestral spirits. Although he sent Lei Zu to his younger brother, Yang He, who had been accepted by Jiao Fei, he was refined into the seventh Yuan Chen Bones Ring of Tai Zhou by the Taoist Xuanyao, but he still had three ancestral spirits with him.
Although Yang Bofu is also an incarnation of Yuan God, he has Hong Ying sword in his palm, and I don’t know how many years he has been practicing fencing. The Lijiang Sword School is an excellent swordsman. Yang Bofu was also as famous as Xu Wen in that year. The young talented swordsmanship has already passed the level of breaking all laws with one sword, reaching the artistic conception of making all laws with one sword. Hong Ying sword is also a magic weapon of the Lijiang Sword School, and the power that one person can exert with one sword is even colder than Jiao Feiyun’s sword.
Although Shaped Sword is more powerful than Hong Ying Sword, Jiao Fei’s mana can’t be compared with Yang Bofu’s real person.
Yang Bofu’s reality pinned Yuan Shen’s magic weapon series flying sword on Hong Ying’s sword. When he met a bloody river man, his blood shadow was instantly transformed into seventy-two rainbow swords and shadows. On and off, there was a mysterious magic sword array in the thirty-six array. It was because the blood river man cultivated a higher layer than him and practiced the magic sutra. This mysterious Taoist method could not suppress Yang Bofu’s reality.
Add red dragon to help three people fight a regardless.
Grandmother Taixuan is still floating on the side and has stepped in for a while.
Jiao Fei secretly thought in his heart, "With the boat-shaped sword, the robe is too empty. Even if I can’t fight the five ghost kings, I may not be afraid. He needs to be refined with Chi Di’s blood. I can’t find the five emperors of The Hunger Gate, and I dare not bleed. With these five ghost kings, I should take his hand."
Jiao Fei turned around and drank with Meng Kuan, saying, "Meng Shao presided over Tai Zhou for me and begged me to hold this Lao firmly. I don’t have any other means to plot against him." He closed the sword with his own body and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Meng Kuan secretly complained, "How can I come with your magic weapon? Even if this baby wants to, I don’t have time to sacrifice … "
However, Meng Kuan was surprised that this boat was too small for him to manipulate, so he could fight with the Five Ghosts King. Meng Kuan looked for a while and knew that he had this treasure to protect him. This was the only thing that locked the ghosts in the Yin robe, and dozens of black gas flew out, caught a devil and pulled it hard.
This devil is trying to get into the boat, but he can’t get into the gap. Suddenly, he sensed that there was a force to pull it, so he showed off and scored in the boat. But it was just about to destroy this treasure in the boat. Meng Kuan has already drunk a "slow down! I’m so hungry that I’m going to take your tonic. "
Jiao Fei escaped from the boat and borrowed a sword to hide his posture. He said, "The Five Ghosts King is cunning and difficult. I don’t know how much blood it takes to refine Chi Di’s blood several times before it can be refined. Since he wants to plot against him, he must release more blood. Otherwise, who knows if there will be any chance again."
Jiao Fei pressed the bottle gourd of Yin and Yang to drink a way: "Monty boy gave me a careful look at Master. If you want to lose a drop of magic blood sputtered by the five ghost kings, I will let Nellie seal you for a year. If you put it away, Master will also moisten you a few drops and let you take a bath in the nine true dragon blood …"
Monty boy was overjoyed, but he suppressed him in the gourd of Yin and Yang. Fourteen old dragons mourned together. Everyone complained in their hearts, "Even if we are full of flesh and blood, just put a few bowls of blood. How can we take a bath? Aren’t we going to be bled into dry dragons? We have to protest with the master. Dragons don’t play like this … "

Looking at Li Zhichang, the three abandoned the boat and landed on the shore, Ye Fan said, "My island king will come to the land to find you in a few days, and he still hopes to be well prepared."

Li Zhichang smile but don’t back to the song way
Think of those worldly people just like dirt walls.
Wang Hong looked at Li Bai’s funeral in the middle of the river and Liu Ling’s funeral in the grave.
I’m waiting for Lang Yin to fly over Dongting Lake before he shakes his whip and strays into Pingkang Lane.
This song comes from Lv Dongbin Sanzui Yueyang Tower, a Yuan drama.
Is Ye Fan a clown or not?
Knowing Li Zhichang Lv Chunyang’s own situation is a red dust fairy
Looking at the sky can laugh and kill people, but it can’t kill them. Although arrogant, it is also free and easy.
Ye Fan had better put on airs.
Thinking about going back and reading more of these songs after defeating your opponent, isn’t it very fairy and heartbreaking?
I couldn’t help smiling.
At this time, winter is not far away, and spring is chilly.
Passers-by wear tight clothes, so Li Zhichang, the three of them are all dressed in light clothes, which is quite out of date and attracts passers-by to point out.
He looks calm and peaceful, but Lu gradually is a little nervous, but these days, he has been practicing his sixteen-figure posture frequently, but his bearing is a lot heavier.
Li Zhichang’s appreciation of flowers and scenery on the road is not easy, but Jeannin is not in a hurry. His eyes have all recovered. Zhou Liuhuo’s strength has given directions in Li Zhichang, and he has made unprecedented progress and self-confidence. Even before Wan Guizang’s return to Tibet, Zuo Mengchen, the wind department of the Lord, may not be stronger than him.
Anxious, I really want to find out if his daughter is in Shen Zhouxu’s place in Nanjing.
I’d rather not say, "Since the Lord recognizes that someone is competing with us for the portrait of our ancestors, why aren’t you in a hurry now?"
Li Zhichang knew that she would rather not be in a hurry, but smiled. "I know you must be unable to sit still. If you are in a hurry, go to Nanjing to find out. I haven’t had a good time for some years. It’s not too late to take a rest for two days and get up the spirit before acting."
It’s better not to sink. "That belongs to the first step."
He is extremely intelligent, but he cares about his family and knows that his daughter may still be alive, but he is unwilling to delay for a moment.
I’d rather not display my flying skills, regardless of the shocking road, and soon I’m gone.
Lu gradually hesitated, "Li Zhenren, where are we going now?"
Li Zhichang has been thinking about one thing for hundreds of years these days and sealing atrix with the Tathagata. He does have some brain problems.
Who wants to find the clue of Chang Jian with the portrait of his ancestor and take Chang Jian out of that isolated place? Will he still not feel it?
Moreover, the combination of pictures is definitely not the same as the combination of pictures, so it is bound to take time to crack them. He is too lazy to spend these efforts.
Chapter 35 Watching the sea and listening to the waves
What’s more, there is another reason why he won’t go to Nanjing at the moment, that is, he found an interesting thing.
Li Zhichang changed his costume, dressed as a scholar in white, and looked like that. The so-called poetic self-expression in his stomach stopped at poetry.
Lu gradually followed suit and looked like a child, still holding his legacy in his arms.
He was banned by Li Zhichang, Miki Miki got rid of the slave-robbing pain, and now he is a cat slave, and Li Zhi can’t help laughing.
Two people along the Qiantang River estuary.
Before long, I arrived at a restaurant, and there were couplets hanging around the door, which were two poems by Luo Bin Wang in those days-‘Looking at the sea and seeing the tide in Zhejiang’.
There is no need to elaborate on these two sentences.
See the restaurant plaque with two words-‘view the sea’ to the floor will certainly enjoy the beautiful scenery of’ watching the sea and listening to the waves’.
Li Zhichang thought of another funny thing and couldn’t help laughing.
"Mr. Laughs," Lu said in a daze, but Li Zhichang told him not to call him Li Zhenren, but to call him Mr. Li, who is honest and honest. Li Zhi always said what he was.
Li Zhichang said, "This is another story. In ancient times, there was a big country called Citigroup in a place farther away than Fusang. The country’s Lord was not the father, but was secretly controlled by the gate valve to choose a spokesperson to be the country’s Lord. Even so, even though the country’s strength was extremely strong, the country’s Lord still had a lot of handles. The country’s Lord was ambitious and wanted to unite with the strength of the Central Plains to improve his situation. It was not far from Wan Li to come to China to meet the emperor. At that time, the emperor saw such a big country, and the Lord actually came in person. I couldn’t help but let the general hand me a method called "Watching the Sea and Listening to the Waves", which made his country admire the Central Plains culture. Seeing that everyone had a number and liked the method, he asked the translator to say that he wanted the Guanhai because his surname was Ao, and he was called Aoguanhai at that time. "
"What’s so funny about this?" Lu said.
Li Zhichang reported a smile, "Because at that time, the emperor’s name was taboo with a’ Tao’ to watch the sea and listen to Tao. Isn’t it a joke when people mean something?"
At this time, the restaurant has a clear young man’s voice to leisurely say, "This brother’s story is interesting. Can you come and talk about it?"
Li Zhichang smiled at Lu gradually and said indifferently, "Look, if you read more, it seems that you can get a free meal again."
Lu gradually lamented that you used to rely on the magical power to eat and drink in that East Island boat for a few days.

As soon as the sole of the foot landed, the butterfly moon sounded again, followed by a sharp pain in Su Mo’s left leg.

In this pain, Su Mo’s footstep consciousness is stimulated to change.
Take a breath a little. Su Mo took his right leg again.
It is familiar with stinging again.
It stings!
Keep practicing and correcting …
At the end of the practice, Su Mo couldn’t feel his legs being numb by Butterfly Moon.
Su Mo clenched his teeth and sweated like rain. One consciousness left was to keep walking.
I don’t know how long it took.
Finally, the word "wrong" no longer rings in my ear, which is like a nightmare.
Su Mo also realized that he had initially mastered the essentials of ploughing.
"Have you forgotten everything I taught you last night?"
The butterfly and the moon wake up, which makes Su Mo shine at the moment. While practicing the plough step, he also cooperates with the breathing and breathing method he learned last night.
At the beginning, Su Mo couldn’t connect the two well, and he often took a step and didn’t come.
But as time went on, Sumo gradually found the meeting point between this breathing method and ploughing step.
This breathing method is to plough the sky and step together, and the Soviet Union and Mexico walk faster and faster, and the numbness in their legs disappears, and the flesh and blood keep burning, and their legs seem to have poor strength, and the steps are getting bigger and bigger.
If you don’t see it, you will jump out half a foot away!
Su Mo became more and more delighted when she knew that she was practicing right.
But I don’t know vaguely that Su Mo felt that his ploughing step seemed to have lost a little flavor.
Consciousness Su Mo looks at the syncline and sits on the bluestone butterfly moon.
See butterfly month at this time a face of disdain eyes full of scorn.
Su Mo thought to himself, "I have combined this breathing and breathing method with the plough step so skillfully. How can she still despise me so much?"
Su Mo, angry in his heart, deliberately walked around the bluestone and walked in front of the butterfly moon.
After a long time, listen to Butterfly Moon’s sneer at "Are you really going to practice yourself as a cultivated cow? This footwork is to plow the sky, not cultivated land! "
Sue ink heart a shock stopped.
Butterfly Moon Drift Bluestone walked out and said coldly, "When can you understand the meaning of the word’ plough the sky’ before you can master the essence of this footwork?"
Su Mo finally realized what he lacked in plowing.
The foot step out is to plow a ravine in the sky!
How much spirit and momentum does this require?