



1. 为客户提供专业的水疗服务,如水疗按摩、水疗美容、水疗养生等;
2. 根据客户需求,制定个性化的水疗方案;
3. 维护水疗设备,确保设备正常运行;
4. 保持工作区域卫生,为顾客提供舒适的养生环境。


1. 学历要求:不限,有相关经验者优先;
2. 专业技能:具备水疗按摩、水疗美容等相关技能,熟练掌握各类水疗设备的使用方法;
3. 服务意识:具备良好的沟通能力和服务意识,能够为顾客提供专业的服务;
4. 工作态度:责任心强,热爱水疗行业,有志于从事相关工作。


1. 薪资:根据个人能力及工作经验,月薪6000-8000元不等;
2. 福利:五险一金、带薪年假、节日福利等;
3. 培训:提供专业的培训课程,助力技师提升技能;
4. 发展:为员工提供良好的晋升空间,实现自我价值。


1. 工作地点:重庆市各大酒店SPA或专业美容理疗机构;
2. 工作时间:实行轮班制,确保员工生活与工作平衡;
3. 工作氛围:轻松愉快,团队协作,共同为顾客提供优质服务。


1. 报名:有意者请将个人简历发送至指定邮箱或前往现场报名;
2. 面试:通过初步筛选后,将安排面试;
3. 考核:面试合格者将进行实操考核,考察实际操作能力;
4. 录用:通过考核后,正式录用。







1. 桑拿馆的选择


2. 桑拿前的准备


3. 桑拿体验



4. 桑拿后的护理


5. 桑拿的好处










1. 桑拿房:该店提供多种风格的桑拿房,包括芬兰式、土耳其式、韩式等。消费者可根据自己的喜好和需求选择合适的桑拿房。

2. 桑拿设备:包括桑拿炉、桑拿石、桑拿灯、桑拿座椅等。这些设备均为知名品牌,质量可靠,性能优良。

3. 桑拿配件:如桑拿毛巾、桑拿浴巾、桑拿拖鞋、桑拿洗发水、沐浴露等,满足消费者在桑拿过程中的各种需求。

4. 桑拿服装:该店提供多种款式的桑拿服装,包括男式、女式、情侣装等。这些服装采用透气、吸汗的面料,穿着舒适。


1. 专业咨询:店内工作人员均经过专业培训,具备丰富的桑拿知识,可为消费者提供专业的选购建议。

2. 个性化定制:根据消费者的需求,提供个性化桑拿方案,让消费者享受到量身定制的桑拿体验。

3. 优惠活动:定期举办优惠活动,让消费者在选购桑拿用品时,享受实惠。

4. 售后服务:提供完善的售后服务,包括产品安装、维修、保养等,让消费者无忧购物。


1. 品牌优势:重庆桑拿用品专卖店与多家知名品牌达成战略合作,保证产品质量。

2. 价格优势:店内产品价格合理,让消费者在享受高品质产品的同时,无需承担过高的消费。

3. 服务优势:专业的团队、热情的服务,让消费者在购物过程中感受到家的温馨。

4. 地理优势:位于重庆市核心商圈,交通便利,方便消费者前来选购。







1. 多样化的桑拿体验






2. 独特的室内设计


3. 优质的服务


4. 健康的食材



1. 促进血液循环:桑拿的高温环境使血管扩张,加快血液循环,有助于降低血压、改善心血管系统。

2. 排汗排毒:桑拿使身体大量出汗,有助于排出体内毒素,提高免疫力。

3. 缓解疲劳:桑拿可以放松肌肉,缓解疲劳,提高睡眠质量。

4. 保健养生:桑拿具有保健养生的功效,有助于改善体质,预防疾病。








1. 高温:重庆夏季气温普遍较高,最高气温可达40℃以上。在炎炎夏日,人们仿佛置身于蒸桑拿的房间,汗水湿透了衣衫,让人倍感闷热。

2. 高湿度:重庆夏季湿度较大,相对湿度常年在80%以上。湿度高,使得汗液蒸发速度减慢,人体内的热量无法及时散发,让人感觉更加闷热。

3. 风速小:由于山地阻挡,重庆夏季风速较小,空气流动性差,加剧了闷热感。



1. 水汽充足:长江、嘉陵江等河流流经重庆,使得这里的水汽充足,为高温、高湿度的形成提供了条件。

2. 地形复杂:重庆地形复杂,山峦起伏,气流在此受阻,形成局部高温、高湿天气。

3. 城市热岛效应:随着城市化进程的加快,城市热岛效应愈发明显,使重庆的桑拿天气更加严重。


1. 多通风:保持室内空气流通,有助于降低室内温度。

2. 多喝水:补充水分,防止中暑。

3. 少外出:尽量避免在高温时段外出,减少身体负担。

4. 避免长时间暴露在阳光下:外出时,应佩戴遮阳帽、太阳镜等防护用品。

5. 适当调整作息时间:尽量避开高温时段,选择早晨或傍晚进行户外活动。



The sky and the earth change color in an instant!

Nineteen big caves with different Taoism and Dharma emerged on the battlefield, almost bursting the heavens and the earth, sending out a horrible smell and crushing it towards Wudao Zun!
Exquisite fairy king mind a tight consciousness up.
In this situation, even if she were in another place, she could escape.
Nineteen caves have sealed off all the exits in all directions!
Wild Wu may not be swallowed up by the cave by some strange Tao, but crushing wild Wu in 19 caves is absolutely irresistible!
Linglong Xianwang has just seen clearly that Huangwu has not been refined by the big cave of the Long Night Xianwang and King Rush, but it has also suffered a lot of impact and its breath has become much weaker.
If 19 caves are crushed at the same time, there may be an ending-both form and spirit are destroyed!
Chapter two thousand six hundred and ten!
Su Mo seems calm, but his heart is also extremely nervous.
Although violet didn’t take part in it, she won’t suffer, but once Wu Daozun’s choice fails, Wu Daozun will no longer be there!
Even so, it’s worth taking a chance.
This choice is of great importance and will determine the future path of Wu Daozun!
A way to copy others’ laws!
Violet is in Gankun Hospital, but the sense of sense of crisis is always there.
With the deepening of his cultivation, the sense of crisis has become more and more intense instead of disappearing.
Su Mo needs Wu Daozun to further grow to a strong enough level!
On the one hand, the martial arts can better protect the Tianhuang Sect.
On the other hand, if Violet really encounters any way to resolve the crisis in the future, Wu Daozun can become Violet’s real retreat.
One more thing.
Wu Daozun intends to go to the wild world. If he is in the real martial realm, his strength is still poor.
He needs to be stronger to have enough confidence and confidence to find the butterfly moon and be qualified to stand side by side with the butterfly moon!
Jian mu Shen Shu
Nineteen peerless fairy kings propped up a big hole and trapped Wudao Zun in it, launching a final offensive and constantly crushing and colliding.
There are 19 different Daoism in the 19 caves, which are constantly sharpening the martial arts, making a creaking noise!
Zhenwu Taoist body seems to fall apart at any time, and the bones and flesh of Wudao Zun will be crushed to dust.
Less than a few breaths, budo Zun can’t hold on.
If there are one or two big caves, he can also compete with the melting pot of heaven and earth for a short time with the vision of blood
Now, the 19 big caves are surging, and even the perfect Zhenwu Taoist body can’t resist it!





1. 火锅底料:重庆火锅的底料是其灵魂所在。精选的牛油、花椒、辣椒、桂皮、香叶等香料,经过长时间的熬制,熬出浓郁的香气,为火锅增色不少。

2. 火锅食材:重庆火锅的食材丰富多样,包括各种肉类、海鲜、蔬菜、豆制品等。其中,毛肚、鸭肠、黄鳝等食材更是火锅中的佳品。

3. 火锅氛围:在重庆,吃火锅不仅仅是一种饮食方式,更是一种社交活动。亲朋好友围坐一桌,谈笑风生,共同享受美食带来的快乐。



1. 桑拿种类:重庆桑拿主要有干蒸、湿蒸、盐蒸、药蒸等种类。其中,干蒸是最受欢迎的一种,通过高温蒸汽使人体毛孔扩张,促进血液循环。

2. 桑拿好处:桑拿具有以下好处:消暑解热、促进新陈代谢、增强免疫力、改善睡眠、缓解疲劳等。

3. 桑拿文化:在重庆,桑拿已成为一种独特的文化现象。人们不仅可以在桑拿房享受舒适的环境,还可以在桑拿后品尝一杯冰镇啤酒,感受生活的美好。



1. 桑拿后火锅更美味:桑拿使人体毛孔扩张,血液循环加快,此时食用火锅,更能促进食物的吸收,使口感更加鲜美。

2. 火锅后桑拿更舒适:火锅后泡桑拿,能帮助身体排出多余的油脂和汗液,使肌肤更加清爽。


Although there are many strangers in the dusty world, he has also gained a lot in these years by seeking immortality and visiting Taoism. Most of them have been cheated by Jianghu people and a lot of money has been cheated in vain.

Without fame, his position in the family would not be high, and it was inevitable that his father and wife would blame him for being an idiot.
However, today’s Li Zhichang is probably one of those strange people who have learned a thing or two. I’m afraid I can give my wife a bad breath after learning something.
Thought of here, he couldn’t help but put a smile on his lips.
By the time he came to his senses, Li Zhichang was gone.
Zhou Hongwen put his son on the gums and stared at him.
He said to Zhou Hongwen, "What about Mr. Li, the brother-in-law?"
Zhou Hongwen casually replied, "I have sent someone to find a quiet room in the other hospital to rest Brother Forgotten. By the way, why are you still here?"
Wang Shengdao said, "Oh, I’ll ask my cousin to come and help look after Gu Xiaobao."
Zhou Hongwen gave a hand and said, "Forget it. She’s too spoiled to take care of people. Go and chat with her. I’ll stay here and wait for the doctor to see the baby’s pulse."
Wang Shengdao: "That’s why I’m going out."
Zhou Hongwen nodded his head.
Wang Sheng went out of the door but didn’t go to the courtyard. Instead, he found a servant to ask where Li Zhichang was and went to Li Zhichang.
In a quiet room, Li Zhichang Yuan Shen came out of the shell and his thin body was more like being drained of blood. Chang Jian was still hanging in the body without being drawn.
It’s much faster for Yuan Shen to escape than to fly to lightness skill or imperial flight.
He has gone through a thunderstorm, and the Yuan God is even more concise. It can be said that the pure sun is not afraid at all. Now it is light and day, and the sun is really shining like smoke and falling on Li Zhichang. Yuan God will soon give him refining without any discomfort.
Zhou Hong Wen Er’s soul naturally disappeared because it was impossible. Li Zhichang just sensed some clues.
However, Zhou Hongwen is still a middleman in the world of mortals after all, and he will give people trouble if he comes to return the favor.
Look at the air, if there is a little black air, and go straight from the front room to connect somewhere in the city.
This black gas is not the essence, but Li Zhichang found a residual breath and some amazing power in it
I don’t know the city god temple in the dynasty, but it seems to have existed since ancient times, but there were temples and incense in all counties and counties of the Great Xia Dynasty.
There is a saying in the Book of Changes, "Don’t tell your life from the city when the city is recovered."
The city god is a guardian of a city’s yin gods, but it is different from cults in worshiping evil gods. Taoism believes that there are gods in nature in heaven and earth, and there are gods who are blessed and nurtured by nature.
The city god is also a Taoist god who cuts off evil, protects the country and protects the country, and manages the dead.
The size of the Chenghuang Temple in Qingshui County is not small, and the statue is five feet high. There are two small statues around him, which are the judges of Zuo Shouwen and Right Shouwu.
To the temple gate, stone pillars on both sides are engraved with a pair of Spring Festival couplets.
Good intentions are not rewarded; Although the heart is evil, it is not punished.
When Li Zhichang Yuan Shen arrived at the Chenghuang Temple, his couplets floated to the ground.
He can only be seen if he wants to be seen, except for some things.
The breath stopped abruptly here, and Li Zhichang Shi Shiran entered the Town God Temple. Although he saw the statue of the main hall, he did not see any abnormality, nor did he see that the God of the Town God was in it, and there was no other paranormal.
Chapter VI seclusion
In the vast hall, a quiet sound sounds inaudible to ordinary people, or rather, it’s psychic hair.
Ghosts and gods can listen to practitioners as well as Buddhist monks, and those with strong determination can also listen to and read, as can those with prejudice.
The sound falls in the hall, but suddenly it has substance, as if it were thrown to the ground.
The humanitarian said, "Fairy stories are taught by little gods."
Li Zhichang looked around a little curious and said, "Is it a city god? I don’t know where you are."
The man had to say, "I forgot that Yin and Yang are different. I’ll give you my coordinates."
It turns out that the city god is not in the sun or the underworld, but in an independent and similar underworld.
Man can be described as a vast world, among which there are many Hanazono Sakura worlds. There is no fire, water and wind, and there can be no magical power. It is just a special existence.
Although Li Zhichang can sense this so-called Asian situation in modern terms, it is too common for this place to be like the Ganges River, where there are countless sands.
Without guidance, it is naturally impossible to find it casually.
A little starlight came from the name and fell in front of Li Zhichang. Li Zhichang reached out and felt this strange and mysterious power and gave birth to an enlightenment at the same time.
Yuan Shen’s emptiness is like a pool of mercury infiltrating into the ground or an unknown one
But seeing a well-guarded temple is like a city god temple. Second, it is cold and there is no sunshine coming in.
It’s about the size of a city god temple, and it’s filled with a mysterious force, but it’s very close to the soul. Li Zhichang realized that this may be the Yin Si Li or the God power of the city god
The temple is divided into God of the City God, Judge Wen and Judge Wu.
However, the face is different, and the cold face of the city god has an air of awe-inspiring inviolability.
Judge Wu is a magnificent warrior with a green sword. Judge Wen looks fierce, but he is an old scholar. Looking at Li Zhichang is a little indecisive.
The God of the Town God was an upright provincial judge in the former dynasty, who called him "cold face and cold iron" to save lives. Many people felt their kindness, and the emperor at that time sealed it and made this God of Qingshui County to guard the peace of a city.
Knowing that Taoism can become a Yuan God, the God of the City God is a noble scholar who travels during the day, such as Li Zhichang, who is full of pure yang and is even more immortal, so he dare not neglect to take two judges to Taiwan to salute and ask, "What are you doing here?"
Li Zhichang has always been a man who doesn’t commit crimes against me. I may not be a prisoner, but this city god is polite in the end and he doesn’t take a big gift. "Zhou Hongwen’s house in the city was unfortunately thrown to the ground, but I rescued him only to find that he was lost in the track and came here. I don’t know what the reason is."















Nowadays, Great changes have taken place in the Kingdom of Heaven. It used to be that several aristocratic families had their own strengths, but now it is that the Yu family is the only one, and it has almost become the crown master of the Kingdom of Heaven. Yu Sheng has become a true brother. Although he is abrasive, refining Qi Dan Chengxiu is already a fairy in the eyes of many people, but it is because of such a character that the Yu family has been in danger in recent years that the Yu family has become so powerful.

Jiao Fei got some news by asking about it occasionally, and now he has a prestige. He is called the bodhi old zu, the king of Dan, and some disciples often come to visit and ask for some magic pills.
Jiao Fei couldn’t help but be curious when he heard such wonders, so he took Meng Kuan to visit the "bodhi old zu of the king of Dan" and wanted to see what the bodhi old zu of the king of Dan had actually made a promise.
Meng Kuan asked Jiao Fei about the danger, that is, when he took the fire, Taoist Crow’s apprentice was also curious. The two men turned into two monks, and their robes broke our flesh and blood like firewood. They inquired about the danger and went on foot. Before Jiao Fei and Meng Kuan arrived at the danger and abode of fairies and immortals, they saw that some people were pious step by step.
Chapter VI What time might you escape in the end?
When Meng Kuan saw the road, many pedestrians were going in the same direction, so he pulled one person and asked, "Where are you going?"
The man earned two times and couldn’t get rid of it. Then he said anxiously, "I went to ask for Dan from the bodhi old zu, the king of Dan. Someone in my family is seriously ill and needs this Dan to help me. Don’t stop me or it will be late. Today, this furnace of Dan has been begged away, and my family will not be saved."
Meng Kuan embarrassed to let go and looked at the man quickly beat seems to be afraid of being caught by him again.
"Jiao Da little you this ACTS son has now said the bodhi old zu is better than you and me a few minutes! Look at his appearance seems to be very popular, must be perennial alms Dan medicine saved I don’t know how many people will have this grand occasion "
Jiao Fei looked at the bustling crowd on this road and couldn’t help but say softly, "Let’s go and see!" "
There are seven vigorous children struggling to flap their iron fans in the palm of their hands, and dozens of flamingos can’t keep heating the furnace. Although there are some rules in this cave, how can they stop Jiao Fei and Meng Kuan? Both Jiao Fei and Meng Kuan pinched the stealth tactic at this time. Jiao Fei couldn’t help but frown and secretly count on his fingers. "Although he is a few years older than me, now it should be only 50 people who look like this, but he is 90 years old and so old."
Jiao Fei pinched Yuan Hong’s formula and instantly turned it into a fire crow road flyover.
Yu Guo was observing the fire carefully, and suddenly there was a Taoist priest in front of him. He was about to ask him out, so he had to delay his own alchemy. But when he looked intently, it wasn’t the middleman of the Sanxiu Sect, but his own heart was always chanting, I don’t know how many times I thought about it. The master was busy plopping down and shouting, "Teacher, how did you get here?" I won’t see my disciples in a few years. "
Jiao Fei patted his shoulder and glanced at the furnace of Dan medicine with a frown. "What is this Dan?"
Worrying about being too busy said, "It’s a furnace of life-prolonging Dantu people who often distribute it to the people around them as a panacea for all diseases."
Jiao Fei really couldn’t see his old appearance and asked, "This is only a few decades. How can you grow old and this kind of repair seems to increase at all?"
I couldn’t help but be silent for a long time before I wiped my forehead sweat and said, "When I came to practice, I also wanted to see that the people nearby always had diseases and hardships and learned these alchemy things, so I couldn’t help but help them refine some healing panacea. In the long run, there were many people who came to ask for help, but I really couldn’t bear to see these people who could be saved but wanted to help them die. So now … I have been trying to make an alchemy every day."
Jiao Fei, with a wave of his hand, worried about Dan Lu, and suddenly became familiar with the number of people, and some of them were scattered and mixed. Among them, there were thousands of people who were disguised as worshippers than worshippers.
Yu Guo seemed to think of something busy. He put his hand on a trick and flew thousands of flamingos into the cave to focus and fly. He said, "I know that the second teacher gave me the number of flamingos for protection. My brother has trained several generations over the years. These thousands are the most profound skills. I hope that Master will take it. At the beginning, I also hope that the master will give me a flying sword. My brother in the cave will also need it. I hope that the master will take back my brother and transplant thousands of elixirs over the years. Several of them are quite rare and should be great to the master."
Jiao Fei heaved a sigh. He didn’t want to worry about this number for ten years, waiting for his return. He actually remembered that year and couldn’t help sighing in his heart. "This is the apprentice! I’ve been thinking about Master for decades. It’s a pity that he didn’t have a bone when he didn’t have a fire crow. Now Shou Yuan is just as good as it is … "
Meng Kuan also showed a figure beside Jiao Fei. He glanced at Jiao Fei and said, "You are really good. He is weak and afraid of Shou Yuan for several years." Meng Kuan’s speech is naturally fearful. Since follow focus flew to learn an alchemist, he has also studied the medical way for a long time. He knew that he really had a long life because of overwork. Only then did he see Jiao Fei so excited and wanted to entrust his affairs, but his heart was also dim when he said it.
Jiao Fei, who has seen Yu’s appearance like this, has long known that it is difficult for him to become a monk. At the beginning, it was also to make him feel more sincere, but after seeing Yu for so many years, he still misses himself. The master can’t help but be moved.
He drank a little thoughtfully, "Call out all you alchemists."
Danger took one ugly look at JiaoFei slightly anxious and said, "Master, they went out today and this furnace Dan will be abolished. Many people are counting on this furnace Dan to help …"
Jiao Fei said, "I have my own discretion to assign them first!"
I was a little reluctant to give up, but I still had a drink to let all the children who fanned the fire go out. These children followed me, and for some years, they all had eyebrows and eyes, and they all went out. Jiao Fei asked a low question, "Can the senior Xuanyao give me a pill that can be used to restore the elixir or a hundred damages?"
The Taoist Xuanyao said with a smile, "Even if you are a disciple, even if I give him this ability to point directly at Dan Cheng Elixir, it will take him at least two hundred years to hope to turn medicine into gas. Where can he live for two hundred years?"
Jiao Fei smiled slightly. "I have my own magic bullet to prolong his life."
XuanYaoDao hey but a smile "you know hook away from the elixir and other precious? How many years did it take for the three fairy kings of Yunjixing to accumulate this goods? Don’t say I can tell you that now I can help you forge three times to get rid of the elixir, and you can get at most twenty or thirty pills. If you want to collect the elixir, it will take less than 500 years. How many of the main drugs do you want to refine Chi Di blood? There is no chance to forge the elixir. "
Jiao Fei sighed and said, "It’s always a mentoring!"
XuanYaoDao hey hey sneer at a way: "have you ever taken him as an apprentice? If you keep him around, even if his bones are worse, I’m afraid it’s a practice of refinement now. "
Yu Guo was so busy listening that he cried, "The teacher has been so kind to me that he didn’t dare to ask for anything more. Over the years, I have also sought benevolence and benevolence to refine Dan medicine and count the number of people who live. Although it is difficult to achieve immortality, it doesn’t mean that this life has not come in vain."
Jiao Fei said lightly, "Do you think I am a Louvre faction? Take everything, brother. He worked hard on his own, and as a master, I naturally gave a hand. He didn’t live up to his expectations, so he should go by himself. Who can help? Danger you and come here … "
I was too busy to rush to Jiao Fei’s side and saw him so white-haired Jiao Fei said to him, "When I received you, I said that you were not qualified enough. That’s all. It’s also your own choice for you to spend all these years repairing diseases and saving lives. It’s time to leave without showing up. It’s rare for you to remember Master and I will give you a pill …"
The Taoist Xuanyao interjected again, "If you leave the elixir, you can’t swallow it without refining gas. That medicine is enough to support you, a hapless disciple. You must think about it!"
Jiao Fei sighed gently and said, "Master, this pill can help you prolong your life by 150 or 60 years. Whether you can refine your life during this time depends on your own chance and hard work. Doing good deeds to save people is also the right way for heaven and earth, but if you don’t teach people to fish, you can engrave some simple prescription pills in front of the abode of fairies and immortals and give them some superficial ways to strengthen your health, which will make the number of people who come to seek medical treatment much less."
The Taoist Xuanyao threw a pill to Jiao Fei with a cold hum, and also took a pill from Yunjixing, and told Yu Guo together.
When Yu Guo saw that the master was going to be busy, he rushed to beg Ken Jiaofei to collect the thousands of ravens and several kinds of muti-drugs. I thought for a moment that I knew that this disciple was also a filial piety and sent all the ravens in the abode of fairies and immortals for nine days with a wave of his hand. He also received Yu Guo and handed over dozens of muti-drugs and sent them to Wanhua Leiding for a while. I thought about it and took out a cloud beast at random. This cloud beast was detained by Jiao Fei’s mana and reduced to a slap in the face.
Jiao Fei’s heart is white. Although he has lived for danger for hundreds of years, he has asked the Xuanyao Taoist for a grain of Dan, but there is really no hope for danger to live in Xiandao.
Xuan Yaodao sneered at Jiao Fei’s delivery of disciples. Just as Jiao Fei was about to leave, Xuan Yaodao suddenly flew out and turned into a golden light. He printed on the top of his head and shouted, "You can refine all these ten kinds of prescriptions now, and you will see if you can be as productive as your master."
Danger aisle this elder is kind and doesn’t know the origin of the mysterious demon Taoist. He is busy bending down and thanking and thanking.
Jiao Fei waved his hand and hid himself with Meng Kuan’s figure. Two people were already hundreds of miles away. Meng Kuan Lang Lang smiled. "This danger is somewhat like that of the gentle predecessors, but the qualification opportunity of the gentle predecessors is better than that of him. He always went to the ninth floor of refining gas to keep warm, and eventually he could not escape the ghost claw."
Chapter VII Two Yuan Gods of Bing Di Lian Hua
Jiao Fei also said slightly, "Gentle elder is also a benevolent master, but it’s a pity that the last step failed to be refined, so Yuan Shen doesn’t know whether to summon Gentle elder to be a ghost in hades or to let him go to benevolent people. I don’t know if there is any chance to step into the road of practice."
Meng Kuan is also silent!
The path of spiritual practice is not that everyone has the opportunity to step on it, even if they have the opportunity to step on this passerby, not everyone can come to an end.
Two people in the kingdom of heaven idle for a few days before returning to Jin Ao Island. This time, the reality of Guo Songyang is here. Seeing that the two of them have come to Guo Songyang, the reality also smiles. "It’s quite hard for you two to come here. Be careful all the way. I and Cha Shuangying can help you. It’s too far for the Dragon Palace to be sophisticated and mana is difficult."
Jiao Fei and Meng Kuan were ready to smell speech, but they were not surprised to see that Guo Songyang had a giant tripod flying out of his hand and landed in front of them.
Jiao Fei and Meng Kuan took one look at each other and got up and fled into this mountain and river tripod. They heard Guo Songyang’s reality drink a lot. This giant tripod was suddenly moved and disappeared after a shock.
Meng Kuan and Jiao Fei each suspended in a mountain and river tripod to make their magic weapon. This time, it’s too far to go to the Dragon Palace. Even ordinary monks of Yuan God have to fly for hundreds of years. When the mountain and river tripod was moved, the shock was enough to make ordinary monks of refining gas shake into dust.